As a result of the nationwide acclaim for the documentary entitled “Seymour: An Introduction,” Seymour Bernstein has received innumerable requests for lessons. He has decided to demonstrate some important musical and technical issues to interested pianists via Skype. The presentation will be approximately 45 minutes in length. If you wish to be included in his presentation, please send your name and email address at: or use the contact form below. The cost will be $100 sent via Pay Pal.

Once we have your name and email address, you will be notified when this presentation will be aired on the Internet. At that point you will have the option of joining if you wish. For those of you who wish to purchase Seymour’s publications, please go to the following Website ( Once there simply click on “Seymour Bernstein,” and you will find all of his publications available to you. In addition, most of the musical soundtrack from the documentary is available on íTunes. Seymour Bernstein sends warm regards to interested pianists.

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